
Even when authorities occur at the same time, each has requirements that are to be met to ensure that expenditures are managed appropriately. Section 4 elaborates on the spending and financial authorities and how they are to be exercised. The DFSA is the independent regulator of financial services conducted in or from the DIFC, a purpose-built financial free zone in Dubai, UAE. An industry coalition subsequently called on FSRA to make the CIFP rename its credential or rescind approval, citing consumer confusion with the certified financial planner designation, which is overseen by FP Canada and subject to global standards. As of Thursday, the DFSA was still listed on the CSI’s website as one of the credentials offered by the education provider, and 2,548 DFSA credential holders were listed on the site. The CSI informed FSRA on March 21 that it would no longer administer the credential for title protection purposes, according to a regulatory notice from Tuesday revoking approval of the credential.

Delegation of routine business allows senior managers of federal departments and agencies to focus on more urgent matters by distributing certain tasks, with the necessary authority, to departmental personnel. Delegation also empowers staff to engage in decision making and helps them develop skills by learning the importance of their delegated roles with respect to the appropriate use of public funds. The credential’s removal won’t affect most DFSA credential holders’ ability to use the financial advisor title, because most of them hold other approved credentials for title use, the release said. If commitment reporting results in expenditures exceeding the department’s appropriations, and expenditures cannot be managed within the department, the departmental CFO must notify the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat as soon as possible. It is equally important that commitments are controlled for revolving fundsFootnote 2 so that payments, when netted against receipts, will not exceed the drawdown authority limit. Although the person who has delegated commitment authority may not necessarily be the same person inputting the commitment information into the financial system, he or she remains responsible for ensuring that this step is performed accurately.

In these situations, departments are advised to update their delegations as soon as possible to ensure departmental compliance. Subsection 4.1.7 of the directive requires the CFO to review the delegation of spending and financial authorities at least annually. Changes in the machinery of government include the creation of new departments, changes to departmental names, and the transfer of responsibilities between organizations.


8 Delegation charts

Separate agencies as listed in Schedule V of the FAA can develop training based on their respective requirements. Departments may wish to provide specific training for functional specialists, for example, a contracting authority or a financial payment authority. It may not be cost-effective for persons who have delegated payment authority to review all transactions that have been verified and certified by an individual who has certification authority. For transactions where the risk of error is low, a risk-based payment authorization approach may be used to validate the overall probity of the account verification and certification process (section 34 of the FAA). A sampling plan, based on the assessed risk and the state of a department’s internal controls, determines the extent to which medium-risk or low-risk transactions are subject to a review before or after exercising payment authority. The risk-based approach includes quality assurance processes carried out by those who have payment authority, both before exercising payment authority (prepayment verification) and after exercising payment authority (post-payment account verification).


2 Related policy instruments

It is also good practice to review a sample of transactions identified as having medium to low risk, after payment has occurred, to demonstrate that the requirements of certification authority have been met. It is good practice for departments to develop an escalation process based on their risk tolerance. The person who exercised certification authority should be made aware of the error, with corrective action taken to ensure that the mistake does not reoccur. This may include involving the person’s direct supervisor, the branch or program’s director general, the assistant deputy minister, and eventually the CFO with revocation procedures detailed under section 3.13 of this guide being considered.

Appendix B: example of a Memorandum of Understanding for a delegation of authority between departments

The DFSA™ Professional Competency Profile provides an overview of the responsibilities, skills and knowledge that are unique to someone who holds the DFSA™ designation. It is the foundational document for the Designated Financial Services Advisor (DFSA™) designation that describes the required competencies of professionals awarded the designation. In all cases, information about the error should be retained for process assessment purposes. Delegating an authority fosters the efficient use of resources, thereby increasing the responsiveness of federal organizations, enhancing overall performance and providing better services for Canadians. The CSI hadn’t responded by publication time to a late-day request on Thursday asking why it decided to no longer administer the DFSA.

12 Equivalent positions

A delegation chart of spending and financial authorities serves as the tool for ministers and deputy heads to delegate financial and spending authorities to departmental officials. An example of a delegation chart, along with best practices regarding other information to include in a delegation chart, is provided in Appendix A. Statistical sampling should be used when the department wants to have a scientifically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from a sample.

  1. CSI holds itself to the highest standards of honesty, transparency and fairness when dealing with clients, students, designation holders and regulators.
  2. When using statistical sampling techniques such as those described above, the major factors include the level of accuracy needed in the results and the expected level of error in the transactions.
  3. Sample sizes at the low end of the range may provide sufficient evidence to conclude that section 34 account verification is being performed effectively, assuming that there are no changes to the account verification and certification approach, and assuming that no errors are found.
  4. To be an internationally respected regulator, leading the development of financial services through strong and fair regulation.

Figure 5.4 is a repetition of Figure 2 but will focus on certification authority (section 34 of the FAA). The box titled certification authority is circled in red to highlight it as it will be discussed in section 4.4. The box titled transaction authority is circled in red to highlight it as it will be discussed in section 4.3.

Whenever changes affect the authorities being delegated, the delegation chart should be updated, even if such a change is outside the situations outlined above. Table 1 outlines the delegation of spending and financial authorities to departments, along with limitations on this delegation. Once a transaction is authorized for payment, the commitment in the financial accounts should be released, as money is no longer on hold for the payment. The journal entry is normally made automatically in a department’s financial system when the payment is made. Departments that do not have the functionality to ensure that the commitment is released may need to undertake manual verification that the commitment has been released. The risk assessment should be periodically reviewed and updated according to the department’s operating environment and system of internal controls.

The results of the post payment account verification should be periodically reported to management and the CFO to identify systemic errors and track error rates. If critical errors occur, or if error rates exceed the department’s accepted tolerances, the risk assessment payment review plan should be revised to reflect the increased risk of error. When critical errors occur that would impact the department’s financial reports, a request for recovery should be issued and an accounting adjustment made, as applicable. The delegation chart and supporting notes are key controls in the expenditure management process. The delegation chart, along with the supporting notes and other documents explaining the roles and accountabilities, specifies the departmental authorities that can be exercised by different positions.

This includes defining commitment responsibilities and standardizing the process for recording and reporting commitments. As per Subsection 32(1) of the FAA, departments need to ensure that there is a sufficient source of funds available before committing expenditures (for example, before signing a contract or entering into an arrangement). The control of financial commitments is essential for departments as it ensures that departments do not alvexo review exceed their voted appropriations. Reviews are an essential practice to ensure that delegation decisions align with the department’s current operational context and risk environment.

Section 3 of this guide presents an overview of spending and financial authorities and their delegation. To develop, administer and enforce world-class regulation of financial services within the DIFC. To be an internationally respected regulator, leading the development of financial services through strong and fair regulation. The requirements to earn the Designated Financial Services Advisor (DFSATM) designation bitfinex review are defined by the DFSA Competency Profile.

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